건강정보 모음 /검사&의학용어

*의학용어 약어*

암사랑 2015. 11. 8. 17:05


*의학용어 약어*



l         CBC(complete blood count):통상적으로 실시하는 혈액검사

l         RBC(red blood cell): 적혈구 

l         WBC(white blood cell) & diff(leukocyte differential) : 백혈구 및 백혈구 감별검사 

l         PLT(platelet count): 혈소판 

l         Hct.(hematocrit): 혈액 100ml에 있는 적혈구 량을 %로 표시한 것을 말한다

l         Hgb(hemoglobin); 혈색소  

l         Anemia: 빈혈

l         Hemolysis : 용혈혈액세포가 정상 수명보다 빨리 파괴되는 것 

l         leukemia:백혈병조혈모세포의 조혈과정 단계에서 조절할 수 없을 정도로 백혈구가 과다증식되는 악성질환을 말한다.

     AML(급성 골수성 백혈병), ALL(급성 림프 구성 백혈병), CML(만성 골수성 백혈병), CLL(만성 림프구성 백혈병)

l         BT(bleeding time); 출혈시간


l         ABR(Absolute bed rest) 절대안정

l         ACLS(Advanced Cardiac life support)최신심장생명유지법

l         ARDS(adult respiratory disress syndrome) 호흡곤란증후군

l         ASD(Aterial Septal Defect) 심방중격결손

l         AVM(Arteriovenous Malformation) 동정맥기형

l         AVN(Avascular Necrosis) 무혈관성괴사

l         AVR(Aortic Valve Replacement) 대동맥 판막대치술

l         ARF(Acute Renal Failure) 급성신부전

l         APGAR(Appearance Pulse Grimace Activity Respiration)    외양맥박찌푸린얼굴행동호흡

l         AC(Abdominal Circumference) 복부둘레


l         BMT(Bone Marrow Transplant) 골수이식

l         BUN(Blood Urea Nitrogen) 혈액요소질소

l         ERCP(endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) 내시경적역행췌담관조영술

l         BPH(Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy)  양성전립선비대증

l         MS(Mitral Stenosis) 승모판협착증

l         CBD(Common Bile Duct) 총담관

l         NIDDM(Non-Insuline Dependence Diabetes Mellitus)  인슐린 비의존성 당뇨

l         AMI(Acute Myocardial Infarction)  급성심근경색증

l         CTD(Closed Thoracotomy Drainage)  폐쇄성 개흉배액

l         TAH(Total Abdominal Hysterectomy)  복식전체자궁적출술


l         VTH(Vaginal Total Hysterectomy)  질식자궁적출술

l         LC(Liver Cirrhosis)   간경변

l         CPD(Cephalo Pelvic Disproportion) 아두골반 불균형

l         NSD(Normal Spontaneous Delivery, nasal septal defect) 정상분만,비중격 결손

l         OS(orthopedic surgery, left eye) 정형외과좌안

l         AGC(Advanced Gastric Cancer) 진행된 위암

l         EGC(Early Gastric Cancer)  조기위암

l         CHB(Chronic Hepatitis B virus)  B형간염

l         CR(Closed Reduction) 폐쇄정복

l         CRF(Chronic Renal Failure)  만성 신부전증


l         CVA(Cerebral Vascular Accident) 뇌졸중

l         D&C(Dilation &Curettage) 경관확장 및 소파술

l         COPD(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)  만성폐쇄성폐질환

l         CHF(Congenital Heart Failure)  선천성심부전

l         URI(Upper Respiratory Infection)  상부기도감염

l         AGE(Actue Gastroenteritis)  급성장염

l         HIV(Human Immunodeficiency Virus) 인간면역결핍바이러스

l         DPT(Diphtheria Pertusis and Tetanus)디프테리아 백일해 파상풍

l         EDC(Estimated Date of Confinement) 분만예정일

l         IDA(Iron Deficiency Anemia) 철결핍성빈혈


l         NSCLS(Non Squamous Cell lung cancer)  비편평상피세포폐암

l         ICH(Intra cerebral Hemorrhage)  대뇌내출혈

l         SAH(Subarachnoid Hemorrhage) 지주막하출혈

l         SDH(Subdural Hemorrhage)  경막하출혈

l         EDH(Epidural Hemorrhage)  경막외출혈

l         FCCD(fx. of Compound Comminuted Deprssion) 복합성함몰분쇄골절

l         NEC(Necrotizing Enterocolitis)  괴사성 장염

l         HCC(Hepato Cellular Carcinoma)  간암

l         FNA(Fine Needle Aspiration) 가는 바늘 천자

l         HNP(Herniated Nucleus Pulposus)  추간판탈출증

l         FHR(Fetal Heart Rate) 태아심박동수


l         FGID(Functional Gastro Intestinal Disease) 기능성 위장장애

l         DI(Drug Intoxication, diabetus insipidus)  약물중독,요붕증

l         UGI bleeding(Upper Gastrointestinal bleeding)  위장관출혈

l         ACL(Anterior Cruciated Ligament)  전방십자안대

l         COM(Chronic Otitis Media) 만성중이염

l         RA(Rheumatic Arthritis)  류마티스성관절염

l         DT(Delirium Tremens)  전진섬망

l         DKA(Diabetic Ketoacidosis) 당노병성케톤산증

l         APT(Acute Pharyngotonsillitis)  급성인두편도염

l         SPRM(Spontaneous  Premature Rupture of Mambrane)  양막조기파수



l         SLE(Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)  전신홍반성낭창

l         CVP(Central Venous Pressure) 중심정맥압

l         IVP(Intravenous Pyelogram)  정맥신우조영

l         EGD(Esophgogasro Duodenoscopy) 식도 위십이지장 내시경

l         EEG(Electroencephlogram)  뇌전도

l         CAG(Coronary Angiogram)  관상동맥조영

l         CABG(Coronary Artery Bypass Graft)  관상동맥 측로이식

l         PTCA(Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty)  

l         경피적술 경요추 관상동맥 성형

l         CPR(Cadiopulmonary Resuscitation)  심폐소생술


l         MDI(Metered Dose Inhaler)  계량흡입기(; 내성이 생긴 결핵환자를 일컬음)

l         PFT(Pulmonary Function Test)  폐기능검사

l         ICH(Intra Cranial Hemorrhage) 두개내 출혈

l         PEG(Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy)  경피내시경위루술

l         TEE(Transesophageal Echocardiography)  경식도 심장 초음파 촬영술

l         ENBD(Endoscopic Nasobileduct Drainage)  내시경적 비담관 배액술

l         PRN(Whenever Necessary)  필요할때마다

l         IDA(Iron Deficiency Anemia) 철 결핍성 빈혈

l         IDK(Internal Derangement of Knee) 슬관절내 장애

l         IV (intravenous): 보통 링겔이라고 부르는 것경정맥 연결관정맥주사



l         PTBD(Percutaneous Transhepatic Biliary Drainage)  경피횡간의 담관배농

l         SAA(Same As Above)  ~와같은

l         SSS(Sick Sinus Syndrome) 동기능 부전 증후군

l         TIA(Transient Ischemic Attack)  일과성허혈발작

l         QOD(Every Other Day)  2일에 한번

l         AF(Arterial Fibrillation)  심방세동

l         HTN(Hypertension)  고혈압

l         CHT(Chronic Hypertrophic Tonsils)  만성비후성편도선염

l         CHF (Congenital Heart Failure)  울혈성심부전


l         ABGA(Arterail Blood Gas Analysis)  동맥혈가스분석

l         ACTH(Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone)  부신피질 호르몬

l         AFB(Acid-Fast Bacillus)  항산성간균

l         AFP(Alphafetoprotein) 태아성 단백질

l         AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)  후천성 면역 결핍증

l         AML(Actue Myelogenous Leukemia)  급성골수성 백혈병

l         CAPD(Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis)  만성 보행 복막투석

l         CCU(Coronary Care Unit)  관상동맥질환 집중 치료실

l         CEA(Carcinoembryonic Antigen)  암 배아성 항원

l         CLL(Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia)  만성 림프성 백혈병


l         CML(Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia) 만성 골수성 백혈병

l         CNS(Central Nervous System)  중추신경계

l         D&C(Dilatation and Curettage)  경관확장 및 소파술

l         DOA(Dead on Arrival)  도착전 사망

l         FBS(Fasting Blood Sugar)  공복시혈당

l         FUO(Fever Unknown Orgin)  원인불명열

l         GERD(Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)  위식도 역류질환

l         HCG(Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)  인융모막성선 자극 호르몬

l         LBBB(Left Bundle Branch Block)  좌막차단

l         LMP(Last Menstrual Period)  최종월경시기


l         LBP (Low Back Pain) 요통

l         MDD(Major Depressive Disorder) 대우울장애

(Manic Depressive Disorder) 조울장애

l         MR(Matoux Reaction) 만토반응  (Mitral Regurgitation) 승모판 역류

l         MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging) 자기공명영상

l         MMPI(Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) 미네소타 다면적 성격 검사

l         NPO(Nothing By Mouth)  경구투여금지

l         ROM(Range Of Motion)  운동범위

l         ROP(Retinopathy Of Prematurity)  미숙아 망막증

l         IUFD(Intra Uterine Fetal Death) 자궁내 태아사망


l         IVF(In Vitro Fertilization)체외수정

l         LAVH(Laparoscopically Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy)  복강경을 이용한 질.자궁 절제술

l         SGOT(Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transamionase)  Same as AST(Aspartate Transaminase) 

l         SGPT(Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase) 알라닌 아미노기전이효소

l         (Same as ALT)

l         SIADH(Syndrome of Inappropriate Secretion of Antidiuretic Hormone) 향이뇨호르몬 부적합 분비증


l         SPECT(Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) : 단일양전자 방사선

l         THR(Total Hip Replacement) 전둔부 대치

l         TPN(Total Parenteral Nutrition)  총 비경후 영양

l         NCV(Nerve Conduction Velocity) 신경전도속도

l         BMR(Basal Metabolic Rate)  기초대사량


l         CP(Cerebral Palsy)  뇌성마비

l         C/S(Cesarean Section)  제왕절개

l         CSF(Cerebrospinal Fluid)  뇌척수액

l         DIC(Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation)  전염성 혈관 내 응고

l         NSAID(NonSteroid Anti Inflammatory Drug) 비스테로이드제 항감염약

l         DTR(Deep Tendon Reflex)  심건부 반사

l         GTT(Glucose Tolerance Test) 포도당 내성 시험

l         HIVD(Herniated Intervertebral Disc) 추간원판 탈출

l         I&D(Incision and Drainage)  절개 및 배액

l         LDH(Lactic Dehydrogenase) 유산 탈수소 효소


l         LVH(Left Ventricular Hypertrophy) 좌측심실 비대

l         NSD(Nasal Septal Deviation) 비중격편위

l         ORIF(Open Reduction and Internal Fixation) 개방정복과 내부고정

l         PEEP(Positive End Expiratory Pressure) 호기말 양압

l         PROM(Premature Rupture of Membrane) 조기파막

l         PTBA(Percutaneous Transluminal Ballon Angiography) 경피적 경요추 풍선혈관성형술

l         PTC(Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiography) 경피횡간담도조형술

l         RVH(Right Ventricular Hypertrophy) 우심실 비대


l         TACE(Transcatheter Artery Chemo Embolization) 횡카테터 동맥약물색전술

l         TOF(Tetralogy of Fallot) 팔로 4징후

l         TSH(Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) 갑상선 자극 호르몬

l         VDRL(Venreal Disease Research Laboratory)  매독검사를 위한 성병검사

l         VSD(Ventricular Septal Defect)  심실중격 결손

l         VPC(Ventricular Premature Contraction) 심실성 기외수축


l         BP(blood pressure): 혈압

l         ICU(intensive care unit): 중환자실집중치료실

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